Frequently Asked Questions

How do my children become patients?
- Please visit our Become an Altitude Kid page for a step by step guide.
Can we make an appointment without registering or signing a release of records?
- Yes. Call our office and we will collect the needed information. A release of records can be completed when you arrive for your appointment.
Do you take my insurance?
- Click here for a list of insurances we accept
What if I need help after hours?
- Please call our office, 970-609-7337, your call will be answered by one of our pediatricians or a triage nurse from Children's Hospital Colorado who will help advise your next steps.
Can my child be seen at an Urgent Care?
- Yes. The following is a list of local urgent care facilities. Please call them to schedule an appointment prior to arriving. Also, please confirm your insurance coverage for urgent care visits.
- Cedar Point (970) 644-9900
- Community Care of the Grand Valley (970) 644-3740
- DOCS On Call (970) 255-1576
- Redlands After Hours Clinic (970) 243-1707
Where are you located?
- We are at located at 360 West Park Drive, Ste. 201, Grand Junction, between McAlister's and Walgreens
Do you have COVID vaccines?
- We are currently not carrying the COVID vaccine. However, thanks to our great community, there are many sites offering convenient times for your family to get the vaccine. Please visit COVID-19 Vaccine | Mesa County Public Health to schedule an appointment with the health department or on the CDPHE vaccine bus. Many local pharmacies are also offering the vaccine. Please check their websites for details.
What is the best way to contact my child's doctor?
- If it is not an urgent matter we encourage you to use our patient portal. Please visit our patient portal page for helpful information. Feel free to call our office at any time.