August 2022
Healthy Snack Tips with Dr. Paula Lopez
Encouraging healthy snacking is all about balance, involvement, and mindful choices. By offering nutritious options, planning ahead, and creating a positive snack-time routine, you can help your child develop habits that support their well-being. Small adjustments can make a big difference in promoting healthier eating every day.
1: Kids think they are hungry when they are in fact thirsty. Offer a glass of cold tap water while they are waiting for a snack or meal to be prepared.2: Allow kids to help prepare their snack.
3: If it’s not in the house, it’s not in the house… We often find ourselves disagreeing with our children about what type of snack is nutritious versus a snack that is a treat. If it’s not available in the house, there is little to argue about.
4: Add an equal amount of fruits or vegetables to any carb snack given (crackers, cereal, chips, bread).
5: Try new foods with your children.
6: Decrease snack size if kids aren’t eating their meals. Don’t offer snacks within two hours of a meal. If your child is really hungry close to a meal, offer only veggies or fruits for a snack.
7: Wash and cut up a few days worth of snacks to keep in the refrigerator so you always have them on hand.