Rickelle Hicks, LMFT
Rickelle Hicks is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in the valley since 2007 when she graduated from Bethel Seminary in San Diego, CA. Her undergraduate was spent at Colorado State University where she graduated with a bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies.
She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Circles of Security, among many other modalities.
Rickelle started our Integrated Behavioral Health program in March of 2022 with 8 years prior experience in embedded practice. She is passionate about helping patients within a medical home and collaborating care with providers to treat the mind and body in tandem. She sees children across developmental stages and has years of experience treating a wide variety of diagnoses. Her passion is to make individuals and families feel heard and safe exploring their mental health challenges.
Rickelle was born and raised in Monument, CO but has found her home in Palisade with her three sons and husband. When not working she can be found at home or on the river.